Sports are an essential component in a weight loss program designed to burn more calories.
The allocation of time to perform physical activities is important for each individual who wishes to live a healthy and happy life, and play exercise a vital role and an important role in weight loss for those who wish to decrease, and the duration of physical activity recommended higher and ranges between 45 and 60 minutes a day.
Vldjal physical activity usually, is to increase the frequency of exercise sessions, and increase the duration of each session and strength exercises in the depth in which they breathe and heart rate as well.
The people who combined diet and exercise were more successful than who Onqsoa weight through diets, as well as Tmknu new maintain their weight are also low.
Well do not worry, it is possible to notice a slight increase in weight at first when starting programs for exercises sports did not exercise any activities for a long time because the body still tries to modify itself to burn more calories through retaining more water and start reducing fat and composition of muscle.
Must continue increasingly sporting activity to result in weight loss over time.
The different exercise has many benefits physical and mental health and also, including:
* Exercise helps to avoid diseases such as diabetes, obesity, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and others.
* Working to alleviate stress and strengthen the muscles.
* Helps to burn fat and give better positive results when exercising regularly and for long periods.
* According to Sports also Minimizing stress and boredom who usually Asahban system to lose weight, and the exit of the individual of a home away from eating.
* Improves the efficiency of the circulatory system and helps to improve the body's sensitivity to insulin and reduce the fat and blood pressure.
* Lead to better shape and body composition, reducing fat and increasing bone density, also increases basal metabolic rate and are less likely to eat and increase the chances of success to maintain body weight.
* To help produce natural sedatives brain associated with pain relief and improved mood and high morale.
* Tkhvd content blood plasma triglycerides and increase the level of high-density lipids and raise the rate of the rest of the grease.
* Choose an exercise you want to exercise:
Reaching for a form of exercise you enjoy is the key to the ability to make it a daily habit. Should choose the type of sport that can be exercised regularly and that are commensurate with your health and enjoy it motivates you to continue exercise, try exercise about half an hour every day,
And you can split a single session to three sessions for each ten minutes if you want five days per week., More pictures sport Holocaust calorie effectiveness is aerobics such as: brisk walking or tennis singles, and the most appropriate sports is walking, helps to avoid osteoporosis Bone is good for the heart and lungs were found to be walking for an hour a day rate 4 Iklmitrat in time (quick step) leads to the loss of 300 calories.
* Kinds of exercises?
Any type or any physical activity makes the body move beneficial to health, try diversification exercises practiced to increase health benefits and avoid boredom and injury.
1) aerobic exercises:
Is one of the best types of exercise means aerobic exercise and the most efficient in burning fat and weight loss because it requires a great deal of energy and shall move most of the muscles and improve the health of the heart and lungs, and have a duration of 30 minutes per day, exercises that expressed are: walking actively, the enemy, cycling, swimming, jumping rope, tennis, dancing, rowing, severe household chores, and gardening.
2) strength and resistance exercises:
Improvement of the power of the body and builds muscle and working on body fitness and intensity through weight lifting Oasthaddam ropes resistance or balance on the ball exercises that help strengthen muscles central in the stomach and back, you should consult your doctor before starting such exercises if you suffer from a rise in pressure blood and other health problems.
3) Flexibility exercises and lengthen muscles:
Working to improve the body flexibility and balance and harmony of and enhance Astrechaúh, to Athriq fat and considered leniency and flexibility of fitness and improve posture and self-confidence and reduce the risk of falls and especially when advancing age, such as: yoga and sport tai chi.
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