Many believe that soft drinks free of calories helps to lose weight, but studies have shown that those drinks to help increase weight dramatically greater than we expect, where the lack of calories in those drinks pushes the brain to the sense of hunger, although the person was not.
The study, by researchers at the "San Diego" and published in the newspaper "Daily Mail" British, that drinking soda diet can lead to counterproductive completely when it comes to weight loss and as much more than what we thought, indicating that the drinks few calories or free them may encourage In fact the excessive food, and contributing to the increase in obesity in humans.
Scientists attribute this result stunning new chemical reaction in the brain has thrown "saccharin" in the bloodstream when a person consumes regularly drinks Diet, compared to another does not follow this method.
When a natural person or of dealing with soda diet once at least during the day, the brain can distinguish between sweetener free of calories and between regular sugar, but the people who eat soda diet more than once a day, studies have shown that the brain have becomes disoriented and does not return in his power of discrimination and determine the difference and therefore dealing with calorie consumption of energy entails can not be "counted", as it is believed the person that he needs more food.
And informed "Susan Soathers", from the University of purdue in West Lafayette - Indiana, Science magazine News, that "this notion that there are disparities fundamental
about how people respond to the taste of sweet and according to their experience with soda diet is something I did not get much attention," except Studies "Irene Greene" and "Claire Murphy" from the University of California at San Diego, in addition to scientists from the University of San Diego, who conducted the experiments that have reached this outcome in the areas of "activating reward" in the brain.
And subjected these scientists 24 adults of healthy young adults for a series of tests imagination palsy during giving them small doses of "saccharin" and water sweetened with sugar and asked them to evaluate taste, and was half the number of participants from the people who consume repeatedly soda diet, while said the other half they rarely ate those article, is that the two teams talked about the experience a pleasant flavor.
In any case, the photos taken at the same time the activity of the brain during drinking different types showed lighting in different areas between the two sets of test.
The results showed that while diet soda drinker consumes water sweetened Balschrin, the revitalization of the region dealing with stimulating food has declined, it has been associated with - as noted by the researchers - with an increased risk of obesity, according to previous studies.
She explained, "Susan Soathers" that the brain uses commonly known relationship between sweet taste and the delivery of calories to help him organize the process of taking food, "but when you put sweet foods are untrustworthy additional calories, the brain suddenly ignorant what to expect."
Adding: "The result is that the body learns to ignore the sweet taste in his prediction of the contents of the energy in food."
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