* Exercises to lose weight (exercises to burn calories):There are many sports activities to do in order to burn calories .. The key to weight loss!* Exercise:
- Aerobics exercises from one of the activities that help an individual to lose weight.How many calories are burned varies depending on the impact of exercise, but on average is usually between 295 - 604 per hour.
- Bike ride of other exercises that contribute to burn calories.
How many calories are burned varies depending on the intensity of use and the type of bike used, but on average is usually between 236 - 1380 per hour.
- Dance, you may marvel at some of the sport but it is next to it burns calories to maintain body weight, they are considered sport entertaining at the same time.
Dance helps to burn 177 - 388 calories per hour.- Brisk walking burns 604 calories per hour, and running was the greatest use in burn a greater amount of calories 1550 at .. However, it is difficult to synchronize with the same speed throughout the time to achieve this rate of burning calories.
- The sport of basketball or handball burn 1000 calories per hour.- The practice of the sport of swimming burns between 236 - 949 per hour, depending on the type of swimming that is practiced.- A game of tennis burns approximately 690 calories per hour.- Normal walking burn between 148 - 690 calories per hour, and up the stairs to burn the highest number of calories.- Activities of self-defense, such as judo and karate burn approximately 863 calories.* Other ways to burn calories:Possible that human burn calories through exercise day-to-day activities, and it is not confined only to the practice of physical activity and examples of these activities:- Repair the vehicle can burn 259 calories per hour.- Take care of the child works to burn 302 calories per hour.- Household chores anywhere burn between 148 - 388 calories per hour.- Cooking burn 216 calories per hour.- Gardening burns 431 calories.- Play a musical instrument burn up to 259 calories per hour.* Tips to burn calories:- Human burns calories all the time, but calories are burned during physical activity given the greatest installment to maintain healthy weight.
- Whenever practitioner intensive activity and the movement, the more calories rates were being burned up.- Trying to burn calories through exercise movement daily routine activities, and not just rely on physical activity.
- If a person is dependent on physical activity to burn more calories must choose the sport that he loves.- For that man loses weight must burn more calories than intake through foods, so care must be taken of how many calories are consumed.
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