Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Important exercises to flatten the abdomen

Each day of the exercise 20 to 30 times in a row and make it more of the second week
(It will be in pain from the second day in the area of ​​the stomach and back)
Method is to place the hands behind the head and catch the abdominal muscles and lift the head and full relaxation
Interchangeably without taking breaks or extended .. raise relaxes .. raise .. Thus relaxant

2. This exercise can hold 20 times and take a break and then 20 again
The way is to raise the head and took a deep breath and count 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 full and relax

3. This exercise 20 times a day with the installation of the two men to top
It strengthens Al_khasran muscles, back and stomach and thighs
And works to flatten their shape and Shidhm and coordinate the overall shape of the body

4. These exercises despite the ease, but a great impact to the waist and clear and taut
As called central cello body exudes Banotth and paper

5. This exercise in the beginning needs a pillow, even assigned the back
Whenever Astgayna on our backs whenever Ajhdna back and abdominal muscles to stand
And thus tighten maintains flexibility and works to tighten the muscles of the legs and thighs
More importantly, in the exercise not the heart back to score 90
Should be back like the picture slant back and butt on the edge of the chair only
When stand Aatmdy on the abdominal and back muscles in cashout to stand, not hands
Because your hands will increase as in the picture
This exercise magnificence to the belly of a ruler without Tube Akoch
Wicker start 10 times and after a week make it more 20 times

And his always begin your workout a warm and Anhia bathroom cold bath to flatten the muscles and activate
Circulatory for better results and a strong heart and the same long. And you'll get a quiet sleep


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