Among the issues of concern to a lot of ladies in the modern era the issue of weight gain. And there are a lot of easy solutions that do not require to do arduous effort overlooked by a lot of ladies, despite the popularity and success of applied theory. And we will try in these lines take a look at some of the factors that will help you inevitably in the final elimination of fat and even burn any excess fat needed by the body.
1 - away from sweetened juices and sugary baked
The easiest way to reduce weight gain lies in reducing the size of the calories in the food that comes by eating sugars added to these foods. Within a week you will be able to get rid of large amounts of calories by reducing added sugars intake on the sweetened juice containers. And has demonstrated many researches that the consumption of soft drinks rich in dissolved sugars contributes by 20% in weight gain. The study also noted that the sugary cakes, baked goods, dairy products and sweets all come within the scope of foods that contribute to the growing problem of obesity.
And there is an easy way to identify the size of calories in each product through the data written on the cover packages that contain these juices. Always preferred not to drink juices that contain ingredients sugary ending with the letters "ose" such as sucrose and maltose. In Astabi fresh natural juices that contain vitamins and a lot of the nutrients needed by the body.
2 - lists of restaurants do not fool
Resort many restaurants to show calorie values in meals provided to customers for customer satisfaction, but the truth is that most of the information provided are usually inaccurate and may end up eating large amounts of calories inadvertently relying on the information provided to you. So you should always be cautious and if I had one day to eat your food outside the home then we advise you to choose dishes low in calories, you can choose a meat soft white like fish, chicken or turkey as well as power and vegetables instead of choosing other dishes rich starch and carbohydrates that turn quickly to sugars and then into fat when people eat.
3- the importance of continuous movement
Reduce calorie consumption is not the only solution to lose weight and get rid of fat, it has to be exercise easy performance such as running and brisk walking as a compromise to prevent the use of some of the exercises, which require great effort not before many of the ladies do.
Marcy walking in the gardens and public parks and you can also swim if it is accessible and it is important that you return your body to perpetual motion, and as the popular saying goes, "in the swimming movement."
Here Madam some facts relating to the exercise of certain activities that require physical effort:
You can burn 100 calories or more through:
- Walking for clock speeds of 2 miles per hour
- Actively doing my house for an hour "an Calanthae of cooking"
To burn more than 200 calories:
- Cleaning the garden for an hour to burn (281 calories)
- Cleaning the house for an hour to burn (246 calories)
- Sport bowling for an hour to burn (219 calories)
- Cycling (at speeds less than 10 miles per hour) for an hour to burn (292 calories)
To burn more than 300 calories:
- The practice of golf with carrying a stick to play for as long
- Beauty home and garden cleaned
- Played baseball and ÇáÓćÝĘ Paul for an hour
To burn 400 calories:
- Do air exercises for an hour
- Skiing for an hour
- Riding stationary bike for an hour.
To burn 500 calories:
- Play basketball for an hour
- Jogging for an hour
- Electric use crutches for an hour
- Swimming for an hour
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