Sunday, October 7, 2012

Almonds may be a successful diet to lose weight

A recent study demonstrated the possibility of replacing unhealthy foods with almonds which proved to be lower in calories than many foods, also helps people reduce cholesterol in the blood as well.

He explained study author Dr.. Gary Foster of the University of "Temple" Bvladilvia, that "nuts especially almonds should not be placed on the list of foods forbidden to those who follow a diet to lose weight. Could be included in the plans to lose weight successfully provided that the rate is limited."

And included the study published in the American Journal of Nutrition Health, 123 people were obese, but generally in good health who follow a diet depends on the control of the calories they consume in food for a period of 18 months. According to this diet addresses ladies 1.200-1.500 kcal per day, while men addresses 1.500-1.800 kcal per day.

The respondents were divided randomly into two groups, the first and gave approximately 28 grams of almonds to eat every day. Which is equivalent to 350 calories, while the second group agreed to avoid nuts in general.

When the researchers examined people who follow the diet after six months, they found that people who did not eat nuts lost an amount of weight a bit more who were eating nuts, 16 pounds, compared with an average of 12 lbs.

After showing that members of both groups regained part of kilograms lost in the past, and there is no clear difference in the total weight loss among participants who ate almonds or not eat.

In a related development, a previous study suggested that almonds may play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease, the researcher predicted that some improvement is found in cholesterol and fat levels in the blood among those who ate almonds.

After six months of study proved to lack the level of cholesterol in the blood between eat Luz. After 18 months cholesterol level rose when members of both groups but remained lower when the almond diet group average.

This demonstrates the ability to add almonds to list diet to lose weight, so that a person can get rid of a reasonable amount of weight with the addition of a good health benefit, such as controlling the level of cholesterol and triglycerides.


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